Bridport Comes Together: Striving for a Stronger Community

05-07-2024 4:30 PM - 05-07-2024 8:30 PM

You’re Invited!
May 7 – Share Your Ideas for the Future of Bridport

Do you have ideas for the future of your community - about business, community events, housing, infrastructure, recreation, tourism, and more? Join neighbors on May 7th for this chance to discuss opportunities, and ideas and work together toward a more connected and strong community! Plus, enjoy a free community dinner catered by Pratt’s Store and featuring live Bluegrass!

Bridport Comes Together is a 3-month process to engage everyone in town in brainstorming ideas and identifying important priorities for the future. The Vermont Council on Rural Development, a neutral facilitator invited by the Bridport Selectboard, provides the overall structure and neutral facilitation each step of the way.

Join us for a FREE community dinner featuring live music, forums for discussion, and connection with neighbors. Join any time and attend the sessions most important to you!

Forum Topics:

Schedule for Bridport Comes Together event
  • All are welcome!
  • Childcare will be provided during forums.
  • Transportation is available, call the Town Clerk’s office at 802-758-2483.
  • Translation and Accommodations available by request. Contact by April 24th.

To find out more at or contact Alyssa: or 802-222-6896. 

A flyer for the event is available here, and the Facebook event here.

Bridport Comes Together event flyer


Venue Name
Bridport Congregational Church & Bridport Community Hall
Venue Address
Bridport Congregational Church Vestry, 72 Middle Rd.
Bridport Community Hall, 52 Crown Point Rd.
Bridport, VT